Worked again on The Wave at the weekend. Lots of water stitched this time. I have now reached the halfway point on the main part of the design, need to do the whole of the right side now and beach at the bottom and sky at the top of the left side now so that means I'm about just over 1/6 done in total.
Monday, 24 December 2012
Border and Water
Worked again on The Wave at the weekend. Lots of water stitched this time. I have now reached the halfway point on the main part of the design, need to do the whole of the right side now and beach at the bottom and sky at the top of the left side now so that means I'm about just over 1/6 done in total.
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Cancer Chesterton December 2012
It's been a while since I updated this one but I've finished page 3 (which was confetti hell) and made a good start on page 4 which has some confetti heavy parts and some nice larger blocks of colour, I plan to work on this one regularly next year and hope to get a page finish. So far I have about 10% completed.
Monday, 10 December 2012
Eternal Promise December
Just a quick update this time of my progress on Eternal Promise. Only have the last row of the page to do now for a page finish, then I can make a start of the page that has the top of Aragorn's head on it.
Monday, 3 December 2012
Pegasus and Blue Moon
Well I think the title nicely sums up what I've been stitching this last week. I've made some nice progress on the sky on Enchanting Pegasus, think this update photo shows two weeks worth of work, but it's really coming along quite well. I think the clouds in this look really nice. My other piece has been the 2012 HAED SAL Blue Moon. I have been looking at the progress others have been making on this and they have all got so much done! Got quite a lot done myself the last two days because I finally got to work on a non confetti bit.
Monday, 26 November 2012
Summer Horse
For my weekend project I worked on Little China. The little face on the little kitten is now showing signs of having ears. Might get the whole of his head done soon. Then all I need to do is to stitch the rest of the body before I can move onto the nice bright colours. I figure If I do it that way if I never get round to the background at least I have the kitty fully stitched and that could be finished on its own.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
And Yet Another HAED
My weekend project for last week was the Julie Hasler Unicorn from here Fantasy book. Still working away on all that white, glad I'm only doing it for two days at a time. I find as it's all one colour it looks like I'm making no progress at all on it until I compare photos.
Monday, 12 November 2012
Another Update
Yes that's two updates in just a few days! Last week I was working on Eternal Promise. I thought I would get a lot done as I was off Uni for reading week but I got distracted by video games (and I did do some uni work too). I think I'm only a few weeks off another page finish on this. It's looking really good when you look at it from a distance, still looks a mess up close though!
Saturday, 10 November 2012
An Update - and a Finish
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Eternal Promise Oct
So only one update this week as I have done next to nothing on Blue Moon over the weekend. Did manage to put in about 500 stitches on Eternal Promise. More done on the trees would like to be done with the trees now. Lots of colour changes, lots of greenish, brownish grays for this part.
Monday, 1 October 2012
Pegasus September Etc
I also did some more work on my Little China. Didn't get much done this weekend as was playing with horses Saturday and playing with weapons on Sunday. Did manage to get the eyes finished so it looks a lot less creepy now, and they're a really pretty colour.
New Start!
So as promised I'm finally updating with my new start. I was going to do this last week but spent so long re-enrolling for Uni on the Monday I never had time to do it. Will do a separate update for the stitching I did last week as well as this one (so much easier to add pictures into two posts and get them where I want them!). My new start is Little Partners Reunion based on the artwork of Chris Cummings by Needle Treasures. I have the partner design for it too but I only got this one a few weeks ago and it was easy to get to.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Sunlit Horses Finished
I have another finish this year. Go Me! Managed to get my Dimensions Gold Petite kit Sunlit Horses finished, evil back stitch, french knots and all. The back stitch took me a lot less time than I thought it would. Wish I could remember when I started it. Possibly March 2011, but that is as far back as my stitching calendar on my PC goes so might have been started before then. Would estimate it was 10 or 11 weeks work to complete. This finish means I get to reward myself with another new start. Horses again this time will reveal all in a future update.
Monday, 17 September 2012
Eternal Promise and More
It's a bumper crop of updates this week. First up is my Eternal Promise HAED, which has now been re-released as an even bigger chart. Quite upset about that - If I had known they would eventually release it again wouldn't have paid out for the expensive original! Although on the plus side the old one is considerably smaller meaning I might actually finish it at some point. More work on the trees and I see lots more trees in my future for this one. It looks really pretty now but just appears to be a crazy mishmash of colours when stitching. As it's been a couple of weeks since my last update I have managed to work on another HAED. I have been working on Severeielle for about 3 weeks out of the past 18 months or so. She's big, 63 chart pages. Not sure about the colours in it yet, they just don't look right all pinky colours where it looks like it should be greys but I'm hoping they will blend more as I stitch more.

I also have two weekend projects to update, Little China and The Wave. Little China - the kitten's face is beginning to take shape now, might get some eyes soon. Just looks a little spooky at the moment. The Wave - it's been a wile since I updated this one, I've worked on it twice but still doesn't look to be much progress, mostly just more blue. Hope to get the main part of the left side done soon, then I'll be about 1/6 done on it. Yay! Double yay because I've managed to juggle this update and the farrier(who arrived halfway through writing), should really go out and see how he's doing...
Eternal Promise,
Little China,
The Wave
TUSAL September
Right then first post for today is my TUSAL update. Think this was supposed to go up yesterday but not added anything else to the jar since then so makes no difference! Some how it looks like I have less again than last month, even though nothing has been emptied out! Obviously I don't waste enough floss! Hopefully I'll find the time to get my stitching update posed as well, sometime between dealing with the farrier and cooking dinner - and I thought only working 8 hours per a week meant I should have loads of spare time. So much for my last week of freedom before Uni starts again!
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Body! And Legs!
Monday, 27 August 2012
Pharaoh's Hound
Monday, 20 August 2012
Kitty has a Face!
Friday, 17 August 2012
TUSAL August
Managed to drop the jar on the floor earlier this week, seems like I have less in there now than I did a month ago now!
Monday, 13 August 2012
Back Again
Been MIA for the past few weeks to to being away/not around on a Monday/not having anything to show but I'm back again now with an update on a couple of projects from the last week. First up is my latest progress on Eternal Promise, my Lord of the Rings HAED. Have most of the border on page 2 done now and working on the trees. Lots of colour changes going on here, feels as if no progress is being made as there are no big blacks of colour but comparing it to last month's update have done more than I thought. Don't think I'll be making as much progress next month as I'll be playing LOTR rather than stitching it. The new Riders of Rohan expansion comes out next month for the Online game, complete with mounted combat so stitching may have to take a back seat for a while.

My latest weekend project has been the Unicorn cushion design by Julie Hasler. Still just stitching the white on this one. Think my tension mush have changed or the white floss I was using thinner as my coverage doesn't seem to be as good this time round, but I'm sure it will sort itself out once washed.
My latest weekend project has been the Unicorn cushion design by Julie Hasler. Still just stitching the white on this one. Think my tension mush have changed or the white floss I was using thinner as my coverage doesn't seem to be as good this time round, but I'm sure it will sort itself out once washed.
Monday, 23 July 2012
So Close
Getting very close to finishing all of the half cross stitch
on my Sunlit Horses now. I've worked on this one twice since the last update
but didn't get a lot done during the first week. I did manage to get a lot done
last Monday when my Lord of the Rings game was down for maintenance. I
think I'd get a lot more stitching done if I didn't have my game to distract
me! Pleased to be nearly done with he stitching, less pleased with
the prospect of all that back stitch...
I also manage to work some more on my Call of the Unicorn. Still enjoying this chart more than my Mystic Stitch as it has normal symbols. So far everything on this chart has been very pink and purple - very bright colours without the kind of shading you'd get from a HAED. I'm hoping the shading will get better as I get onto the center of the design.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Just a quick update for my July TUSAL. My honey jar is starting to look a little more full, think it will be a couple of years before the thing is full to the top tough as this is about 6 months worth of ends now and I haven't even started squishing them down yet! July's background: the landing banister - overlooking the cottage garden.
Monday, 16 July 2012
Another HAED
For my weekend project I was back to working on my Mystic Stitch Cats, Artwork by Jeff Spackman. Finally reached the bottom of the page on this one. Still finding the chart just made up of letters quite hard going. You have to be so careful to keep looking at it closely to not miss a stitch, hopefully it will get better once I move off the dark blues that are just randomly jumbled together and on to the bits that actually look like something!
Monday, 9 July 2012
Another (Tiny) Finish!
Yes, I have managed another finish! I went to London in the middle of last week to see Marilyn Manson play at the Brixton Academy. When I go away I take little mini projects with me to stitch on the train or in my hotel in the evening. The project for this trip was a little Heritage kit of a bay horse ( I think it's just called Bay Horse or Bay Pony). I managed to get most of it done while I was away so just finished the last few stitches and the back stitch once I got home so I have another finish to add to the pile.
I also worked some more on my Eternal Promise, but there is not a lot to show on it due to my being in London. I managed to get 400 or so stitches in while I was at home which hardly looks like anything. Over the weekend I put some more work into my Blue Moon SAL piece. I've now done 12 days on it and have somewhere over 1600 stitches, I'm not sure exactly how many as I only count completed 10x10 blocks. It doesn't sound a lot but it's over 7% complete. I think I only have 3 HAED WIPs that have a higher % complete. These small charts really do make you feel like you're making progress!
Monday, 2 July 2012
A Finish!
Earlier in the week got to do some more work on Enchanting Pegasus, it's been a while since I updated this one so progress pictures are after about 3 months of not updating. Finally have the head and wings done, now for lots of larger chunks of colour in the body.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
This months background is my rather ugly carpet. Need to start finding decent places to take these pictures.
Monday, 11 June 2012
Normal Service Will Resume Shortly
So I know I've been neglecting my blog over the last few months. I was away at the end of April to see Placebo and again the next weekend for reenactment and never got back into posting afterwards. I think it has something to do with the fact I only ever update on Mondays and the last few weeks has seen me busy on just about every Monday. That and I've been so busy I have had nothing of note to update on. Hopefully will have a lot more time on my hands after next week for more stitching. This week I only have the one update for you - my latest progress on Eternal Promise.
As I don't have much else to share I thought I'd include a couple of pictures from my trip to Edinburgh Zoo while I was away in April.
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